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Did you know you can maintain a strong and healthy smile as you age? Well, it’s true. As a senior, you can have the strong, healthy, and beautiful smile you love–you just have to do a few things. So, if you want to keep your beautiful natural teeth as you age, our experienced dental team encourages you to do the following things on a regular basis:

-Keep up on oral hygiene: Do your best to brush your teeth twice a day—every morning and every night. Then, floss your smile with a product of your choice and rinse your mouth with mouthwash daily. Doing these three things will help you thoroughly clean your teeth each day, preventing tooth decay and other dental issues.

-Use fluoride: Fluoride is a much-needed mineral that many people don’t get enough of. Fluoride strengthens and nourishes the teeth, giving your chompers the ability to survive. So, to make sure you have the fluoride you need, take advantage of our professional fluoride treatment when you come into our office and use fluoride products at home, like fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash.

-Have a balanced diet: Having a balanced diet will keep your pearly whites strong and healthy. So, try to eat healthy meals, include more fruits and veggies into your diet, and keep from snacking all day.

-Quit smoking: Smoking is a dangerous and destructive habit that can alter the health of your entire body, including your mouth. If you smoke, you have a high chance of developing cancer as well as gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss.

-Visit your dentist: It is vital that you visit your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and exam. If you keep up with these appointments, your smile will be professionally cleaned on a regular basis and your teeth will remain in tip-top shape.

Doing these things will help you maintain the health and appearance of your natural teeth and it will help you avoid dentures, partial dentures, bridges, and dental implants. We want to help you keep your natural smile for a lifetime. So, if you have any questions about smile maintenance in Falls Church, Virginia, or if you need to schedule a cleaning and exam with Dr. Bahar Rowhani, please call us at 703-241-0666 today. We look forward to hearing from you!