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If you wish to enhance your smile with the help of a cosmetic dentistry treatment, it is important to think about the ramifications it may have. If you have suffered an oral accident or injury that has left you with a chipped or cracked tooth, and you are looking forward to repairing it, make sure a repair is done that not only protects the outside of the tooth, but the inside as well. A highly effective reservation treatment to consider is dental bonding.

Issues and ailments arising with abnormal or problematic teeth can be repaired with dental bonding treatments. If you find yourself having spacing issues between your teeth, issues with your teeth needing to look longer, or if you need to change the shape of your teeth, dental treatments can be of assistance. Furthermore, dental bonding treatments are highly effective when used as composite resins to fill in cavities and cover up a tooth’s root if it is exposed due to gum recession. They are also tremendously durable and often last over a decade of solid use before they may need to be replaced.

Dental bonding treatments are typically crafted from porcelain and resin substances to enhance a person’s smile. Even if a person’s teeth have been damaged or broken, dental bonding treatments can be useful. If you have cracked or chipped teeth, tooth decay, discolorations, or cavities forming, a dental bonding treatment may be of use.

Enhance your smile with dental bonding treatments. If you would like to visit with our dentists, Dr. Ronald Hauptman and Dr. Bahar Rowhani at Falls Church Comprehensive Dentistry for a comprehensive examination, please call 703-241-0666 to set up an appointment at our dentist office in Falls Church, Virginia.